Friday, December 13, 2013


Shirt - Pull&Bear
Leggings - H&M
Necklace -
Nail ring -
Shoes - Andrea

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

DIY Holiday OWL Ornaments

What you’ll need:
  • Felt.  (I used red, mustard yellow, and white)
  • Hot glue gun
  • Scissors
  • Fabric paint
  • Needle/thread
  • Trash bags


Cut out your OWL body outline.
Each owl requires a front and a back.  So cut out 2 shapes for 1 OWL.


Cut out enough white circles for all of your owls. (I made 9 OWLS so I cut out 18 white circles)
*make them quite large, so that the eyes look OWLY*
 The same thing goes for the black pupils.  Cut out enough for all of your OWLS.
I also cut out brown eyes for some of my owls, so the yellow owls didn’t have yellow eyes, and some of the others had brown eyes to make them all look a bit different.

Also, you’ll need to cut out a beak! An easy A shape will do.


Cut out this S shape for the top of their eyes. This completes the OWL look.


Cut out this apple shape for their bellies.
( I sewed some on but it took too long so I hot glued the res on their owl bodies.)
*if you do decide to sew them on, sew them on BEFORE you sew the bodies together.*


Cut out your OWL’S wings like above photo.  Then, cut a slit half way through the wing, this allows for the wing to have a wing shape like:

Each owl will need 2 wings.  Once you’ve cut these out, put them aside. I sewed them on very last.


Sew the 2 pieces together.  I used this basic to sew them together.
*DO NOT sew completely together.  Leave a space that you can easily stuff your plastic bags into*

All you do is stick your needle through both pieces then wrap the thread around the needle once to make this kind of stich. Easy peasy.


Now stuff your OWLS with grocery bags.  It’s a pretty good way to recycle them if I do say so myself.
Once you’re done use the same sewing technique to sew them back together.


Glue on their faces.  Glue on their eyes, noses, and the S shape for the top of their eyes.
I painted the white dots on all of the black pupils to add some cute detail.

I also painted HOPE, and NOEL, and JOY on their bellies to add some more cute detail.


Cut a long rectangle shape from your felt.  At each end cut slits to make it look like a scarf, and wrap them around your OWLS.


Sew on your wings ( you can sew them on before you put on your scarf, it’s easier)
I just sewed a stitch or two to the body and it worked just fine.
Last, you sew on your thread to the top of their heads .  You can glue them too, but I sewed mine.

Blurry pic, but you get the picture.


Now, you have all these cute owls ready for hanging. 
*for even more Christmas detail, I glued dots or snowflakes on some of the bellies and put white glitter on them to add a snowy effect*

& for a little easy DIY holiday extra:
*with just 3 easy steps*

What you’ll need:
  • A thick-er thread
  • Two colors of felt ( I used red&white)
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue


Cut out a bunch of circles around the same size


Place 1 circle on the bottom of the string & put a dot of hot glue in the center


Place another circle right on top
& repeat.  I did one white, one red.

then this happens, and you’ve got yourself a cute string of circles to wrap around your tree!

Have fun decorating your Christmas Tree!!!

From your One&Only,

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


This is a favorite in our house. Perfect for any day because it is very easy to make.

You’ll need:
  • Chicken.  Shredded or cooked on the pan, I’ve done both, both are delicious
  • Flour tortillas for heating
  • 1 garlic
  • Cream
  • 2 large bell peppers
  • Cheese of your choice, this time I used mozzarella
  • Avocado for topping
  • Lime for topping


Cut your peppers into thin-ish slices

Second: Over medium heat throw your peppers, chicken, and chopped garlic in.  (my chicken was already cooked and shredded)  *for even more yummy flavor you can even throw in some chopped onion*

Third: put the lid on and let it steam cook a bit, 5-10 minutes.  My husband likes the peppers more crunchy than soft so I don’t do it too long.(haha my cheesy reflection)

Fourth:  Throw in about a cup or two of cream.  (Depending how creamy you like it) and drizzle the cheese on top to melt.  Stir it all together.

While you’re heating it up for a few more minutes you can warm up your tortillas

Heat up some refried beans and some rice, and you’ve got yourself a lovely Fajita meal!
See? It’s an easy meal that your family members/friends/guests are SURE to love!!
This feeds two quite comfortably, with leftovers for tomorrow’s lunch.
From your one and only,

Friday, December 6, 2013

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


One of my favorite make-up looks is a great Smokey eye with a nude lip. 

But what if you forgot your nude lipstick at home, or don’t have one!?

I’m going to show you the easiest trick to a nude lip, if you don’t have a nude lipstick handy.

All you need is:

Nude concealer, light/clear gloss.

First: make sure your lips have zero saliva on them.
Second: apply gloss generously
Third: dab three dots of concealer on bottom lip, and three on top.  (you don’t need a lot)
Fourth: Use your finger to dab the color evenly through.  

Aaaaaaaaaaand TA DAAA!

You’ve got your nude lip, that easily goes with ANY look. 

From your one and only,

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


I feel that photography has really helped me appreciate things in my daily life. Sometimes it's hard to find miracles or beautiful things in our surroundings. Ptacticing photography has made me more aware of everything, I find myself constantly looking for beautiful moments or things.

I'm not suggesting that you become a photographer (unless you are interested, then go for it!) but I am saying we should appreciate the things we have; because once we recongnize how blessed we are we will be happier!

So here are pictures of some of the many blessings I have in my life

Stolen moments

Memories that will last for ever

Falling in love at first sight

my family

a father's love

my country

best friends

a part of me 

So open your eyes and see how loved you are!

Love and Kisses