Thursday, October 3, 2013


I've wanted to create this flower lantern forever! I think it's so pretty, cheap and easy to do, it's just a perfect DIY proyect for home decor. 
You obviously dont have to use these colors, you can find almost any color of paper lantern and just add you favorite color of flowers.

All you need is:
Paper lantern

1. Cut the stem off so you are only left with the rose (I used different size flowers to add dimension)

2. Add glue to the base of the flower and glue it to the lantern.
3. Make sure that the design you create is the same on both sides of the lamp cause if not it wont balance right when you hang it.

And thats pretty much it, it only took me like 1 hr to do it all.

Ithink this would even be cute for a baby shower or wedding. Hope you enjoyed this DIY

Love and kisses,