Monday, September 23, 2013


Decorating your home can be much harder than you might have thought!  At least that is how it was for me.  (My mom made it look like a piece of cake!)  But here is what has helped me as a newly-wed and still helps me now with decorating my home:

Be inspired by your surroundings.  Go out and be a tourist in your own city or town.  Take pictures of anything that catches your eye and bring that same inspiration to your home!  Recently we took a trip to Guatemala.  There, in the market, the colors were popping out every where I went.  So, I took pictures of everything I liked and felt inspired add some more color to my home.

The most important thing to remember about home décor is that you don’t need to be an interior design student to have a beautiful home. Here are a few tips on decorating.
·         Decorate with what you like.
·          Think about what looks good together.
·         Don’t OVER think and stress yourself out
·          Look at the color combinations of nature to help you out.
·         Use your favorite colors.
·         Don’t let your husband help ( haha just kidding)
·         Don’t be afraid of color.
·         If you’re on a budget like me, have an idea, and do it one thing at a time.
·         Most of all, if you’re going to do it, do it bold. (like go big or go home, but for decorating)

The truth is, is that there is beauty all around you.  You just have to have the eye for it.  If you think you don’t have an eye for creativity or inspiration, it’s not true.  Everyone has an eye for inspiration, because you can be inspired by simply finding what you like or what you think is beautiful. 

                                          from your one and only,