Thursday, October 10, 2013


Mason jar DIY are all the hype these days.  And they should be because they are so cute.  However, any glass bottle, any shape, can be a totally cute and modern DIY as well.  I make a lot of spaghetti, and thought one day that I should keep the jars for something.  Even when my son started eating Gerber foods, I also thought, I should keep these things.  My sister even stole a glass Sprite bottle from a Mexican restaurant here (she didn’t know you couldn’t take them) and I was so excited because I thought I could totally use this for something. Well ladies, I took some ideas I saw on Pinterest and put the them together. 

These are DSWTEJ DIY: (do something with those extra jars do it yourself)

Okay they ARE as easy as they look which makes this DIY even more awesome.

You’ll need:

  • Clean, empty jars of all shapes, or the same.  Your call.
  • Thread.  You can use yarn too.
  • Spray paint (I chose gold)
  • Clear/clearish nailpolish (not pictured)

Step 1.
Spray the inside of the jar.

Step 2.
Spray the outside.  Don’t get too close or you’ll have very runny wet paint instead of a spray paint. (I did this to achieve a more gold look, you don’t have to)

This is not a step.  It’s a tip.  If you don’t want gold tipped fingers, wear gloves.

Step 3. 
Paint them all.  As many coats of paint as you’d like.  When satisfied, wait for them to be completely dry. 

Step 4. 
Choose your colors!

Step 5.
I found it incredibly easy to use clear nail polish (ok mine has a bit of glitter) to stick the thread where I wanted. Wait for it to dry a bit, and wrap wrap wrap!

Step 6.
Keep wrapping & ignore my face in the photo

You can wrap however you want. You can do half, the whole thing, orrr whatever.  I did stripes.

This one I did half only.

If you want to add more flavor to your jars, I put some teal in the middle of the pink on this jar.

And now I did something with the jars that is really tasteful and cute and modern!  You can put flowers, sticks, or bamboo like I did.  So next time you make spaghetti or are done feeding your baby that Gerber food, keep them, and do this to them!

From your one and only,

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