Thursday, February 27, 2014


I’d been craving chicken pot pie for years! It’s so yummy and just plain delicious. So today I just decided to put an end to the crazy crave and do it myself. It took a while, but it was definitely worth it.
The recipe I’m including is only for the filling. For the crust you can use store bought puff pastry or make it yourself (like me). Here’s the recipe I tried and it worked pretty good:
(Link para hacer tu propia costra del pie si no quieres comprarla)

·         6 tablespoons butter  
·         1 large onion, chopped
·         2-3  potatoes, peeled and cut into cubes
·         4-6 medium carrots, cut into pieces
·         10-12 oz. mushrooms, sliced
·         6 tablespoons all-purpose flour
·         2 cups chicken stock
·         1 cup milk
·         2 chicken breasts, cooked  and shredded
·         1 cup fresh or frozen green peas
·         Salt and pepper

·                     6 cucharadas mantequilla
·         1cebolla picada
·         papas peladas y picadas
·         sal y pimienta
·         1/2 kg de champiñones rebanados
·         cucharadas de harina
·         tazas de caldo de pollo
·         taza leche
·         pechugas de pollo deshebradas
·         taza de chícharos
·         zanahorias cortadas en cuadritos

So basically once you’ve got everything chopped up all you need to do is:

1.    Preheat oven to 175 C°
Calentar el horno a 175°
2.    Melt the butter in your cooking pot.
Derretir la mantequilla en una olla.

3.    Add onions, carrots, potatoes and mushrooms. Cook for about 10 minutes, so all the veggies soften up. Salt and pepper to taste.
Agregar la cebolla, zanahoria, papas y champiñones. Cocinar por aprox. 10 minutos, hasta que las verduras se ablanden un poco. Agregar sal y pimienta al gusto.

4.    Add the flour and stir for a minute.
Agregar la harina y mezclar por un minuto.

5.    Add the chicken stock and milk and mix well. Let it simmer for a couple minutes until it thickens.
Agregar el caldo de pollo y la leche y mezclar bien. Dejar hervir por unos minutos hasta que la mezcla se vuelva espesa.

6.    Add chicken and peas and any spice of your preference (thyme, sage, more pepper). Combine well.

Agregar el pollo y los chícharos y alguna especie extra si gusta (salvia, tomillo, pimienta).

1.    Add mixture over the bottom crust, cover with top crust and make a few slashes with a knife to let the air out while in the oven.
Agregar la mezcla sobre la base del pie y cubrir con otra capa de masa para pie. Hacer algunos cortes sobre la tapa para permitir la liberación de aire.

1.    Bake for about 30 minutes until crust is lightly golden.
Hornear por unos 30 minutos o hasta que la costra empiece a dorarse.

With lots of love & truly yours,

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Friday, February 14, 2014


 blouse: h&m
pants: h&m
purse: urban outfitters
shoes: rhapsodielle

Thursday, February 13, 2014


By: Denise Lyons


Wednesday, February 5, 2014


PANTS: Rhapsodielle 
TOP: Urban Outfitters 
JACKET: Billabong